About Us

Welcome to the Home Ice of the Rink Rejects

Our Frozen Legacy

Established in 2023, the Rink Rejects has carved its name into the ice hockey legacy, looking to create a long impactful history for the team and the community.

Our Rink, Our Pride

Our rink, located in Annville, PA, Klick Lewis Arena is home to many different ice hockey and figure skating programs, recognized throughout the east coast. The Rink Rejects consist of a group of college students wanting to grow the game of ice hockey. At the moment we are unaffiliated with any school, but all players attend Elizabethtown College.

Our Mission on Ice:

The Rink Rejects mission extends beyond the icy battleground. On the ice, we strive for excellence, emphasizing teamwork, discipline, and a relentless pursuit of victory. Our players embody the spirit of sportsmanship, giving their all in every match. However, our commitment doesn't stop at the rink's edge. We believe in leveraging our influence as a college hockey team to make a positive impact on the community. We aim to inspire the next generation, fostering a love for the game and instilling valuable life skills. By combining our on-ice activities with a community presence, we aspire to create well-rounded individuals who carry the ethos of our college hockey team both within the arena and out in the world.

The Puck Stops Here: Meet Our Team Representatives

 John Tim - President


John's hockey career began when he was 9 playing out of Bradford, PA in the WNYAHL. John is the Rejects current captain and cofounder of the Rink Rejects. He is currently attending Elizabethtown College as an undergraduate, majoring in Biomedical Engineering. A fun fact about John, he also is a USA Hockey Coach and Official as well as a USGTF certified golf instructor.




Joseph White - Alternate Captain


Joseph's hockey career began in Philadelphia, PA starting at age 8. Joseph is one of the current alternate captains for the Rink Rejects. He is currently attending Elizabethtown College as an undergraduate, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. A fun fact about Joseph is he is a certified scuba diver.


Alex Lynch - Alternate Captain


Kaden Wagner - Alternate Captain


Lucas Kasprow - Alternate Captain



Lindy Stoner - Team Manager


Lindy Stoner is from Boiling Springs, PA. She is currently attending Elizabethtown College as a Public Relations major, minoring in Marketing. She really enjoys working with the team, running our TikTok page! A fun fact about Lindy is she likes to work out and read.



Culture of Sportsmanship

As Rink Rejects, we don't just play to win; we play with integrity. Our commitment to fair play, respect for opponents, and the love of the game set the standard on and off the ice.


Join the Ice Hockey Family

Whether you're a seasoned hockey fanatic or a newcomer to the rink, the Rink Rejects welcomes you to be a part of our extended family. Experience the roar of the crowd, the thrill of each slapshot, and the excitment that makes ice hockey more than just a game.

Game On!

As the puck drops and the ice echoes with cheers, the Rink Rejects invite you to share the excitement. Join us as we continue to lace up, hit the ice, and pursue the relentless pursuit of victory.

Thank you for being a vital part of our ice hockey journey.

John Tim and Joseph Walko

Rink Rejects Founders
